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Rain & Storm Warnings Once Again in the South East of France

Meteo issues Orange alert for the Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches du Rhone, Gard & Var areas

featured in News & reviews Author Pam Williamson, Cannes Editor Updated

Severe rain storms are predicted to last until at least tomorrow morning across the south east of France with some areas already being affected by heavy rainfall over yesterday afternoon and into last night.

France Meteo forecasts around 10 to 15cm of rainfall during violent storms over the Var and Alpes-Maritimes Regions throughout today. However over 20cm has already been seen in some parts of France just south of Montpellier and storms are moving steadily up towards Gard and over towards Avignon and the Bouches du Rhone area.

Badly affected areas last night included Narbonne, with an electricity sub-station being knocked out at Lézignan-Corbières that left 1,000 households without electricity and disrupted rail traffic between Narbonne and Toulouse.

There will be little let-up for Var and Alpes-Maritimes until tomorrow and drivers have been warned of reduced visibility on the roads.