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Born and Bred in Cannes

Channing Tatum brings his American vodka brand to Cannes Lions

featured in News & reviews Author Pam Williamson, Cannes Editor Updated

One of the hottest American A-list actors and star of Magic Mike XXL is rumoured to be in Cannes to launch his new brand of vodka at the Cannes Lions 2016 event.

According to marketing material the new vodka, named Born and Bred, is an American craft vodka made from Idaho potatoes; born from Channing Tatum’s imagination and bred by the Grand Teton Distillery.

With a tag line of 'Cross my heart and hope for mischief', the vodka seems to appeal to Tatum's 'cheeky' side...although not the cheeks we saw when he played a male stripper in the popular Magic Mike films!

We look forward to seeing him, and his potato vodka, at Cannes Lions this week.